Back to device_2

-- Guide to Ridge Route


Experimental Variations

The device_2 system has many shortcomings:

Exclusion relations
A traffic light may signal either red, yellow or green, but never more than one color. Truth and falsity are supposed to behave in a similar fashion. Likewise a switch is either on or off, but never both. It is said that even electrons share this trait (Pauli spin exclusion).

If you know the traffic light is red, you also know it is not green or yellow.

In the system of device_2, exclusion relations are treated like any other relation. They notate a structural condition rather than activating a process of reason. Development requires that such processes be activated automatically, e.g. for the purpose of pruning excess from a structure of possibilities.

In the system of device_2, each location has an equal weight. Such is not the case with experience. For example, in the structural system of this work, explication exaggerates differences in emphasis.

Space and time
The present system cannot interpret measures. (Measures are a refinement of exclusion relations, above, e.g., inches, seconds, ounces, bytes.) Consequently, it has only a clumsy approach to variable quantities such as space and time. Under the notation of device_2, a new structure (with new values for the variables) must be defined for each instant or each point of view

In stage_3, an action is a relation constructed out of a series of states, strung together by identifications marking enduring objects. This is the Mickey Mouse model, named in honor of the animated character and his cinematic success. As with the case of the original Mickey, development in technique may refine an initial clumsiness and may enrich a relative poverty of expression.

In the author's opinion, the Mickey Mouse model is unsatisfactory in the long run.

Piaget teaches that sensori-motor schemata are the primitive and rudimentary patterns of intelligence out of which all else develops through continuous processes of adaptation (assimilation, accomodation, re-organization). An infant's schemata include sucking, crying and co-ordination of hand/eye and eye/ear. Later schemata include crawling and the manipulation of objects, during which the child constructs reality, including space and time.

Co-ordination of different structural forms is a primary goal in these pages. Acitivity is an obvious focus of attention. Activities make up structures, such as steps in a recipe, "the way to get to Jeff's house," or the succession of equations used to solve a physics problem (paradigm). Some human activities worth considering allow for wide smooth ranges of variation and free inventiveness, e.g. rockclimbing.

-- stage_4 of Water Trail will notate action (page presently has no substance)

The shortcomings stand in the way of development

These matters are intended to be considered in:
-- stage_5 of Water Trail (page presently has no substance)

Variations in device_3 are preparation for device_4

The author anticipates a major revision in hardware and commands for device_4, but also anticipates that in operation, major aspects of device_4 will reduce to equivalents of operations for device_2 (or will emulate device_2 as part of its operations).

The variations for device_3 are intended to enlarge the repertoire that device_4 may reduce to or emulate.

Hardware and Commands

Possible variations include:
Forward to device_4.

All materials copyright by Robert Kovsky, 1997.