Brain Models Built From Timing Devices:
Fundamentals of Timing Devices

(...) Fundamentals of Timing Devices, a .pdf file (166 kB)

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"Timing devices" proposes a new way to investigate brains. An individual timing device acts like a neuron and an assembly of timing devices performs specific brain-like functions. The resemblances are imperfect because timing devices are idealized mental constructs. The author suggests that, despite the defects, timing devices identify principles that can guide investigations into actual brains. The Ideal Gas Law (pV=nRT) is a similar mental construct.

Designs for timing device assemblies look like schematic diagrams used in standard electronic circuits. In circuit diagrams, iconic symbols stand for electronic components that come from a "kit of parts" made up of physical devices. The electronic kit of parts has a "core" that includes resistances, capacitances, signal sources, diodes and bipolar junction transistors. A person builds an electronic circuit by taking parts from the kit and connecting the parts according to a schematic diagram for the circuit. Core parts make up modules that generate and process important classes of signals, e.g., sine waves and their combinations. Additional devices such as photo-sensors and memory devices supplement the core.

The features of standard electronic circuits described in the preceding paragraph re-appear in the timing devices system. At this time, the core members of the timing devices kit of parts are:
  1. the primal timing device;
  2. the gate normally open timing device;
  3. the gate normally closed timing device;
  4. the two-pulse trigger timing device; and
  5. the difference device.
This presentation of the core timing devices is developmental. The primal timing device is a minimal unit and is the point of origin. The step from the primal device to the gate normally open device resembles the step from the semiconductor diode to the bipolar junction transistor (pnp or npn). Development of later devices involves further additions and modifications.

All devices and designs are conceptual; there are no plans for working models.

A tabular form is used to integrate the presentation of the five core timing devices. The author suggests that the integrated tabular form provides a solid foundation for further development of the timing devices system.

(...) Fundamentals of Timing Devices, .pdf file (166 kB).

Tabular Forms

A set of tabular forms organizes the core devices of the timing devices system.





(...) Fundamentals of Timing Devices, .pdf file (166 kB).

Link List

"Brain Models Built From Timing Devices"

... ) Opening Page
... ) A Kit of Parts
... ) An Eye for Sharp Contrast
    ( ... ) Eyes That Look at Objects
... ) An Ear for Pythagorean Harmonics
    ( ... ) A Procrustean Group of Harmonies
... ) Fundamentals of Timing Devices
... ) Author & History

... ) top of page

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